Learn about Crypto Pro’s Premium features
While Crypto Pro’s free app provides tons of helpful tools and information, the Premium subscription takes crypto portfolio tracking to the next level. Here are some of Crypto Pro’s Premium features:
Connect to Your Exchanges & Wallets
Crypto Pro can connect directly to cryptocurrency wallets and exchanges, and automatically import your balance to populate your portfolio(s). This eliminates the need to manually adjust your portfolio after every trade you take, or investment you make.
Exchange Import
You can connect to over 90 exchanges including, Binance, Coinbase, Kraken, and Liquid. To connect to an exchange, you’ll need to create an API Key then paste it in the Crypto Pro app.
For detailed guides on how to connect to your favorite exchanges, visit our help section.

Wallet Import
Much like the exchange import feature, the Wallet import lets you automatically connect to your cryptocurrency addresses through a Public Key.
Crypto Pro supports wallet import from over 100 cryptocurrencies in addition to ERC-20 tokens.
A complete guide to the process can be found here: Wallet Import

Crypto Pro connects to exchanges via an API Key generated by the exchange. The API key is encrypted and stored locally on your device using Apple’s Keychain Services‘ framework. It is the same technology that Apple uses for its secure credential storage.

Candlestick Charts & Indicators
Another powerful feature within the Crypto Pro premium subscription includes access to candlestick charts, a favorite among traders. The timeframe for candlestick charts goes as low as 1 minute. The subscription also unlocks access to a plethora of trading indicators to further help empower traders.
Access to advanced indicators is also great for the more technical traders who rely on information regarding volume, MACD, and DIF to decide when to get into and out of positions.

Real-time Cryptocurrency Prices
The digital asset markets move fast and are far more volatile than traditional equity markets. This puts a premium need on having real-time price information across your portfolio holdings.
Here’s a guide on how to turn on live prices.

Faster Refresh Time for the Apple Watch App
Crypto Pro is well known for its support of Apple Watch and the Premium subscription brings blazing fast speed to the Apple Watch by enabling even faster refresh times.

By increasing the utility of the Apple Watch app, Crypto Pro’s premium users can stay even further connected and aware of movements in the cryptocurrency markets.

Unlimited Portfolios and Alerts
Crypto Pro’s Premium subscription also gives users the ability to manage and track unlimited portfolios. Premium users can also set unlimited price alerts which is perfect for those with heavily diversified portfolios that require constant management.
To set up alerts on the Crypto Pro app check out this handy guide.

Stay in Touch
If you have any questions or would like to join thousands of other crypto traders, join our online communities by following us on Twitter, Facebook, or joining our Telegram Group.
Feel free to send any comments or questions you have to [email protected] if you need assistance. Our team is happy to help where we can! Happy trading!