Cryptocurrency Tracker
View real-time crypto prices with market statistics and interactive charts. Create a custom watchlist for your favorite cryptocurrencies, precious metals, and fiat.

Portfolio Overview
Track your portfolios manually or connect your exchanges and wallets for automatic sync. You can view your gains & and losses, asset distribution, and equity history chart.

Sync Across Devices
Get the app on your Mac, iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, and seamlessly sync your data across all your devices through iCloud.

Crypto News
Stay on top of the market with news curation based on cryptocurrencies in your portfolio, favorite list, or individual coins.

Price Alerts
Set up customizable alerts for cryptocurrency prices on specific exchanges, and get notified when there’s a spike in price, volume, or trading activity.

Complete Privacy
Crypto Pro is a crypto tracker that doesn’t track you back. All your data is encrypted and stored locally on your phone.