Try the Crypto Pro app

Live Prices, Widgets, Alerts, Portfolio for iPhone, iPad, Mac & Apple Watch

iOS 13 Update

Some users are experiencing missing assets after updating to iOS 13. If you are affected as well, don’t worry, your data should still be still intact on your device. The local asset cache got corrupted due to small framework difference on iOS 13 – we are working on permanent fix.

To fix the issue:
1. Go to Settings tab / General / * scroll to bottom * / Clear Cache
2. Go to Cryptos tab and reload All Cryptos list and every exchange your portfolio was associated with

Don’t reinstall your app, without having your data backed up to the iCloud, Dropbox or csv export.

We are available on [email protected] for more questions.

Get more with Crypto Pro app

Live Prices, Widgets, Alerts, Portfolio, Apple Watch app