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Vectorspace AI VXV

Rank #918

$ 0.71719700 +4.64%

Vectorspace AI Price (VXV)

Vectorspace AI to USD Price Chart

Vectorspace AI Statistics

Market Rank #918
Market Cap $ 27.2M
Volume 24h $ 71.2K
Circ. Supply 38.0M
Total Supply 50.0M
Max Supply ?

How much is Vectorspace AI (VXV) priced today?

As of the latest data, Vectorspace AI (VXV) is priced at $ 0.71719700. Over the last 24 hours, the price of VXV has increased by +4.64%. Keep in mind that cryptocurrency prices are highly volatile and can fluctuate within very short periods.

What Is Vectorspace AI (VXV)?

Vectorspace AI (symbol: VXV) is a platform specialized in creating high-value data sets based on correlation matrices. These datasets are particularly useful for researchers and scientists who are looking to speed up their data-driven innovation and discoveries. The datasets are generated using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Natural Language Understanding (NLU), and they come with patent protection. The platform aims to save clients time in their research processes by enabling quick hypothesis testing and experimentation with a higher throughput.

What is the origin of Vectorspace AI?

Vectorspace AI has its origins in the Life Sciences department of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), where the founders developed the patents that are central to the company's innovative offerings. These patented technologies have been crafted to serve various academic institutions and to advance research across different scientific fields.

How does Vectorspace AI work?

Vectorspace AI leverages its proprietary algorithms to generate datasets designed to identify and capture hidden relationships within data. The core of their technology utilizes advanced NLP and NLU to analyze and process large amounts of text data. This process results in datasets that enable entities, such as financial institutions, bioinformatics companies, and research organizations, to uncover valuable insights that may not be apparent using traditional data analysis methods.

What makes Vectorspace AI unique?

The unique proposition of Vectorspace AI lies in its ability to produce datasets that reveal hidden correlations within data. This is particularly valuable in fields where such relationships can lead to breakthroughs, like in the biological sciences or financial markets. Their patented technology streamlines the research process, potentially leading to faster scientific discovery and innovation. Moreover, Vectorspace AI's focus on NLP/NLU within the context of data correlation distinguishes it from other data analytics tools.

How is Vectorspace AI's technology used?

Clients of Vectorspace AI can use the platform's technology to enhance various aspects of research and analysis. By integrating these correlated datasets into their systems, clients can discover hidden patterns and relationships that might give them a competitive edge in their respective industries. This technology can be particularly useful in algorithmic trading, drug discovery, and risk assessment.

What sectors can benefit from Vectorspace AI?

Vectorspace AI's technology is versatile and holds potential across multiple sectors, particularly where big data analysis and hypothesis testing are crucial. It can be an important tool in financial services for quantitative research and trading, in life sciences for drug discovery and genetic research, and even in space exploration for identifying patterns in large datasets.

What is the market capitalization of Vectorspace AI?

Vectorspace AI (VXV) currently holds a market capitalization of $ 27.2M, ranking it at #919 in the cryptocurrency market.

What is the trading volume of Vectorspace AI?

The 24-hour trading volume for Vectorspace AI (VXV) is around 71.2K. This gives us an indication of how much of the currency has been traded in the past day and can be an indicator of the currency's liquidity and market activity.

How many Vectorspace AI (VXV) tokens are there in circulation?

The circulating supply of Vectorspace AI (VXV) tokens is 38.0M. It's important to note that some cryptocurrencies have a maximum supply limit, while others, like VXV, may have a dynamic supply model.

Where can you buy Vectorspace AI (VXV)?

You can purchase Vectorspace AI (VXV) on various cryptocurrency exchanges. The list of IDEX, KuCoin, Probit includes some of the platforms where VXV is currently available for trading. Always ensure you are using reputable exchanges and conducting due diligence before trading.

How to keep your Vectorspace AI tokens safe?

To keep your Vectorspace AI (VXV) tokens safe, consider using hardware wallets that store your private keys offline, offering strong protection against online hacks. Managing your private keys with caution, using secure passwords, and enabling two-factor authentication on your exchange accounts and wallets can also greatly increase the security of your digital assets.

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