Rank ?

$ 10.03 -14.53%


FUZE to USD Price Chart

FUZE Statistics

Market Rank ?
Market Cap ?
Volume 24h $ 50.5K
Circ. Supply ?
Total Supply 748.4
Max Supply ?

What is the current price of FUZE?

As of the latest data, FUZE is currently valued at $ 10.03. Over the last 24 hours, it has decreased by -14.53%. This price may fluctuate, so it's always a good idea to check the latest figures for the most up-to-date information.

What Is FUZE?

FUZE Token is a unique cryptocurrency in the digital asset landscape. It positions itself as the world's first self-deflationary currency, with a very limited supply of only 1000 tokens. FUZE is specifically designed to encourage holding among its users due to its deflationary nature, which ensures that a portion of the tokens is burned with each transaction. This inherent scarcity is intended to add value to the remaining tokens as time progresses.

Why Was FUZE Created?

FUZE stands out from other cryptocurrencies due to its community-centric focus. It aims to be a fully community-driven social experiment. Unlike many other tokens, FUZE does not have specific developer allocations or holding; instead, every single token was fairly distributed through airdrops to prevent centralization and potential manipulation from developers, setting it apart as a token truly for the people by the people.

What is The Purpose of the FUZE Project?

The core concept driving the FUZE project is to foster a decentralized community that has the power to steer the project in any direction it chooses. By not having set functions or use-cases from the onset, the FUZE ecosystem empowers any community member to propose and develop new functions or applications for the token. However, the most immediate and distinctive feature of FUZE remains its deflationary model that reduces the total token supply with each transaction.

Why is FUZE a Deflationary Token?

The deflationary model is chosen for FUZE to emphasize the 'hodler' mentality within the cryptocurrency space. A burn rate of 5% is applied to every transaction, which means if you transfer FUZE Tokens, a portion is irretrievably burned. This mechanic encourages users to hold on to their tokens, thus reducing supply over time and potentially increasing demand due to heightened scarcity. This economic model aims to incentivize users to think long-term about their investment and participation in the FUZE project.

How Does the Deflationary Aspect of FUZE Work?

Each time a FUZE Token is transferred from one wallet to another, a 5% transaction burn is applied. To put it simply, if you were to send 100 FUZE tokens, only 95 tokens would reach the recipient. The missing 5 tokens are permanently removed or "burned" from the total supply. As a result, with each transaction, the total number of FUZE tokens in existence decreases, which may lead to an increase in the perceived value of each remaining token due to their increasing rarity.

What Are the Impacts of FUZE's Burn Rate?

With a burn rate of 5%, FUZE's total supply dwindles over time. This deflationary mechanism not only cultivates a scarcity mindset but could also result in an interesting dynamic for the token's value. The concept assumes that as the supply decreases and if the demand remains constant or increases, the value per token may rise.

What is the Circulating Supply of FUZE?

Originally FUZE had a total supply of 1000 tokens. However, due to its self-deflationary feature, this number is continuously decreasing. To determine the current circulating supply of FUZE Tokens, one must take into account all the burns that have occurred since its launch. The latest circulating supply information can be found updated as .

Where Can You Buy and Trade FUZE?

FUZE can be purchased on cryptocurrency exchanges that support the token. To find out which exchanges offer FUZE for trading, you'll need to refer to the provided list of . This list is essential for any potential buyer to know where they can acquire FUZE tokens.

How Can You Store FUZE Safely?

Storing FUZE securely is similar to other cryptocurrencies. It's highly recommended to use reputable wallets that offer strong security features like hardware wallets for maximum security, paper wallets for cold storage, or trusted software wallets with robust encryption. Always ensure that your private keys are kept secret and secure, and consider using multi-factor authentication where available for additional layers of protection. Remember, keeping your tokens safe is a critical part of participating in the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

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